Pop-Up Shop - Day 2
Hello Everyone...Dateline Update on Day 2 of our first CustomizerDepot Pop-up Shop!
Days 2 went pretty well. We had sales. People again loved what we were doing. we received some custom orders as to what people wanted.
We are excited that people like us want to express how unique and creative they really can be. Clearly, the thought of self-identity is strong with our people!
Who would think this would be a lucrative job...certainly not our parents for sure.
Today I'm going to write about just that. After working pretty much many jobs available, not finishing my degrees as well as just deciding to go to school full time and Van Wilder and learn from so many different classes that never went towards my degree program made me the person that I am today...an uneducated educated skilful independent thinker. I will say that without all of those days I thought I wasted on schooling it comes in handy when you own your own business and you need to be an all-around player.
I can honestly say that after wasting all the money and the years it hasn't been all a waste. I definitely don't miss my college days but I do miss the amount of learning that I engulfed while there.
If I can offer advice about this is never stop learning. I read and/or try to read every day to try and better myself and my brain. I say that because I don't want to sound ignorant even though I probably do anyway because I'm the least funny person I know and try to be.
I wonder if any of you entrepreneurs out there feel the same way (not being funny but bettering yourself.) If you're out there and you listen or read about your favorite people out there I guarantee you will be on the right track to bettering yourself as a person. You are what you eat basically...especially what your brain eats. I am currently reading "The right side of history" by Ben Shapiro. Definitely a good read and also hilarious if you try to read it like he would say it in his condescending tone and manner.
Back to how cool Day 2 was...IT WAS FUCKING COOL! Learn and be better!
Good Day ALL!