Pop-Up Shop NYC - Day 1
Good Morning Folks,
As part of the whole brand new attempt at branding myself a pseudoblogger I will be annoying myself to create more posts that are related to what we do.
I am currently sitting on a laptop on a desk I bogarted over here in SOHO at our first pop-up shop at 427 Broadway, NY, N.Y. Why ask when you can just claim it? Kind of like whatever happened in America circa 1492. I came, I saw, I took that shit kind of life.
Foot traffic went pretty well day 1 of 3 in Manhattan. From working in my a corner of my living room to taking over the basement of my parents home, Thomas and I have come a long way to be able to not only afford to have a pop-up shop but be able to create the connections to have to be able to do something like this. I remember the good old days when making 1 sale a show felt amazing, now we're upset if we make under 10. We've grown accustomed to some real first world entrepreneur problems when it comes to what we complain about.
Day 1 was no walk in the park. Preparing what needed for the show as well have enough for our current orders, our personal lives outside of work play a major role in how much time we actually have to work at our studio. I am currently engaged and getting married at the end of July 2019 so getting everything ready for that is difficult enough not counting owning a business with Thomas.
Opening up this pop-up shop as well as getting everything ready for my wedding is quite the juggle. Which means working over 60 hours a week anyway. Try sleeping when you're trying to get everything in working order. In no way am I complaining...I don't like sleeping anyway because I get panic attacks when I sleep so lets not sleep and do work is my motto. Day 1 was the same feeling. Not the feeling of being nervous, anxious or any feeling of being overwhelmed but the only thing going through my mind is how much work can I accomplish while both of us are sitting here talking to folks and friends that come through to hang with us and support us the best way they can by showing their support. I hate just waiting for life to magically happen so in the interim...WORK!
Day 1 was fun. We met new customers that were excited about our products and made somecash mulah. We're looking at Day 2 and 3 to be better than day 1 by a large margin. We don't expect to make a mil but in everything you do its a learning experience and once we get this first show under our belt we will regroup, recap and revamp for the next one. Evolving is part of being a business owner especially during the actual show day itself. Which is why I'm on the computer writing this as opposed to quitting the blog which was one of my favorite things because I happen to think I'm a mediocre writer.
Also I forgot my charger day 1 so...in regards to evolving...I didn't forget it Day 2. I also didn't forget my old man vitamins...I'm old. I forget things.